Rumination is a typically human flawed way of using the mind. In the book “Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers” the famous biologist Robert M. Sapolsky demonstrates that animals (at least in the wild) do not suffer from rumination. Zebras have a very high peak of physiological reactions when attacked by lions, but when the attack ends the herd stops and in a very short time they return to a state of physiological calm. On the other hand, when subjected to a trauma, we humans remain entangled in it until eventually we suffer from serious syndromes such as PTSD, depression, etc. Not only do severe traumas mark our lives, but, like a "Chinese drop", the microtraumas of a stressful life end up having the same dire consequences. While drugs can alleviate the symptoms of trauma and stress, the only way to deal with stress and trauma is to trace the source of the problem, which is not in the past, by definition no longer existing, but rather in the present, its ghost continuously brought back into our life by our subconscious rumination.
Mindfulness meditations, always rooted in ancient Buddhist practices, allow us to give back to our mind its decisional efficiency and to tap into its highest qualities, consciously activating the most reflective areas of our brain instead of leaving them at the mercy of archaic impulses of "fight and flight".
The purpose of Mindtrek to free us from the jaws of a stressful world and to reinforce our lucid serenity to more effectively face the "lions" of the modern world.